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27 September 2018
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Law makers and national regulators have been struggling to get their heads around just how to approach cryptocurrencies. Some have been heavy-handed, others taking a laissez faire attitude. What’s clear is that the divergence between regulators on the issue could become problematic: in some jurisdictions they are considered assets, in others, currencies. Now, regulators in the UK are stepping up plans to try to bring a modicum of control to the growing market. Read about it today, on PaymentEye.

Elsewhere, we’ve covered the Klarna/Modo deal – looking at what it means internally, and for the market.

These and much more feature on the PaymentEye website this week.

Read, enjoy and share.

Michael McCaw


Headline News

UK lawmakers call for regulation of “Wild West” crypto industry
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Inside the Klarna/Modo deal: how to deliver fast and flexible payments
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